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Black Superman: Why It Can Work For A Modern Era!

Black Superman: Why It Can Work For A Modern Era!


Eariler this year, it was announced by The Hollywood Reporter that a brand-new superman reboot is in the works & has finally been greenlit by Warner Bros Studios. Writing the script is American author Ta Nehisi Coates who’s delivered on great novels in the past being: The Beautiful Struggle, & Between The World & Me which went on in winning the 2015 National Book Award for Fan-fiction. Attached to the project as producer is director J.J. Abrams. Best known for incredible fan-favorites in 2008’s Cloverfield, Super 8, & of course the wildly praised films in both Star Trek: Into The Darkness & Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This new take on the classical origin tale we’ve come to know is said to be a complete reimagining of what we’ve already seen exist in past iterations. Bringing about a new outlook & insight into the eyes of the man of steel himself that is Kal-El. Introducing to audiences for the first time, a new hero starring a black actor in the leading role. As of now there is no word yet on any names regarding the cast, but given the bold move made by executives behind the scenes, I’d say so far this seems to be an incredible step forward towards a path of diversity that is for sure to bring about an even more positive change to the comic-world not yet seen before on screen.

One household name that’s already begun to shed light on this news in the past, is none other than Black Panther’s Michael B. Jordan! Fairly known for being well-versed within the comic-book genre & praised for his work in other award-winning titles: Fruitvale Station, Creed, & Creed 2. Along with having made another surprising announcement just late last october, revealing his directoral debut for the upcoming sequel Creed 3. Set for a possible release sometime in November of 2022. Well-loved for his performance as the as the vicious iconic villain that is Killmonger, Jordan has quickly gone on in becoming a genuine protege in his own right.

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Earning the respect from dozens of fans & colleagues across the world in just a few short years at the beginning of his career in Hollywood. Most importantly, what’s even more interesting is the sheer passion he holds for these characters as a whole. Adding a voice to those more aware of the already existing black superman that is Calvin Ellis. In a 2019 interview held by television producer & talk show host Oprah Winfrey, Jordan stated the following:

“It’s tough. I hate being a business man and understanding both sides of the situation,” “There is a huge upside to it, but being under that microscope, being picked apart and compared to so many different versions of Superman… I would rather do something original. I’ll be Calvin Ellis.” “I think the comic book purists can accept that more than me being Clark Kent,” “That’s a different thing.”

Created by comic-writers Grant Morrison & Doug Mahnk, Calvin Ellis is a lesser known character within the DC Universe that earlier on began to act as a becon to the black community. First making his appearance in 2009 of March, & based heavily on the 44th President Barack Obama, this character acted as a universal inspiration at the time for many younger kids of color, & began a brighter future for generations new to the comic-book world… Fast forward twelve years later & it now seems as if WB is ready to take on the challenge in bringing forth what looks to be a live-action adaptation of this icon set possibly in the 20th Century Of America. A bold move but also makes one wonder, just how different in tone & storyline will this film be in comparison to the ones we’ve come to see before in the past.

Being an immigrant in a world that’s already conditioned to fear what’s different, acts as nearly a true-story in essence to what many real-life human beings are faced with everyday. Plenty of times in the past, we’ve come to see dozens of stories regarding the kryptonian hero showcase the reality of what it’s like for one to have to blend in within society that is bound to dislike another. Understanding the fundamental fear of not only what it means to be different from the rest, but ultimately becoming a figure of hope at a time that needs it most is what helps us all strive towards a better ideal in the end. That is what many would go on to say is the true message held behind who IS Superman. Proving to us all, that while we each may have things about ourselves that standout from one another, we also hold many similarities that also allow us to come together. Becoming an overall positive impact for the world we live in.

Seeing a story like this bought to screen in the eyes of a black man, I think may add a possible new spin on things, and can even in the end give Marvel a run for their money. It’s all just based on how one may go about showcasing that story the right way. Allowing us viewers to decide for ourselves where we stand. In these last recent years, WB has been on top of their game with Wonder Woman 1984, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, James Gunn Suicide Squad, & what is most likely to be everyone’s most anticipated film of next year in director Matt Reeves The Batman! Each of these titles have gone on gaining both rave reviews & love from critics worldwide. Some even before their official release… Once again proving that Warner Media & DC have completely reshaped the world’s eyes on what superheroes are, & in a way also has helped kept our innocence intact most of all. So far this seems to be an amazing plan by the creators involved, & I for one am very excited to see how it all comes together! No doubt if done right, this film is bound to be a game changer…

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