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Clone Wars Season 7 Review (Non-Spoilers)

Clone Wars Season 7 Review (Non-Spoilers)


Written and Edited by: Tristen Gonzalez

Now that the long awaited Clone Wars season 7 has finally wrapped up, there is no better way to discuss this roller coaster of a season then on May the 4th week. Season 7 introduces three arcs in this twelve episode season, those arcs being first the “Bad Batch” arc, second the “Rafa & Trace” arc, and finally the “Siege of Mandalore” arc. With what seemed like a good start to the season, the bad batch slowly lost its footing along the way despite introducing us to four new interesting characters(Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair) and cool close quarter combat scenes. Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair which are members of Clone Force 99, a group of clones who’s defects due to the cloning process gave them each special skills provided the opening of the show with a bang. Giving us great action set pieces and awesome team ups with characters such as Anakin and Captain Rex. However this arc spent nearly four episodes on a rescue mission where the pay off didn’t further the plot of the season as much as I would have liked it too.

This next arc which I like to call the “Rafa and Trace” arc, follows the story of fan favorite Ashoka Tano as she tries to find a new meaning to her life after leaving the Jedi Order. While it was relieving to see Ahsoka again, I couldn’t help feeling much of her story felt wasted along with the first arc of this season. We are introduced to two new characters Rafa and Trace Martez, two sisters who are trying to make a name for themselves in this galaxy. One being a smuggler and the other an engineer, didn’t bring much to the table in terms pushing the narrative of the season foward. It instead felt like four filler episodes to give Ashoka some minor character development and prepping her for the final few episodes.

Now for the moment we have all been waiting for, “The Siege of Mandalore”. First mentioned in Disney Plus’ “The Mandalorian”, the Siege of Mandalore starts off with a reunion of the show’s most notable trio Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ashoka. In what seemed like an epic team up once again, quickly took a drastic turn of events as the show began to tie itself into the the start of the Episode 3 storyline, leaving Obi-Wan and Anakin left to rescue the Chancellor and leaving Ashoka with a battalion of clones and Mandalorian warriors to save Mandalore from the clutches of Darth Maul. These last few episodes tied themselves up beautifully into the Revenge of the Sith storyline giving Star Wars fans much clarity and depth for the characters and storyline we have all been following for years leading up to the dreaded Order 66. The episode 3 callbacks and tie-ins were just icing on the cake to this spectacular finale, leaving me with nothing but chills and heart pounding moments to the very end. 

To sum it all up, Clone Wars Season 7 did stumble a lot at the beginning but eventually found its footing in their last few episodes ultimately making the season a worthy one. Our rating 8.5/10