John Darius- New Writer On JvS

Hey everyone! My name is John Darius. I’ve been a friend & longtime supporter for Sam & Team JvS. A lot of you may not know me, but I’m just a guy who genuinely is a private person, but decided to use social media as a platform to mainly discuss all things I find real enjoyment in such as: Films, various kinds of television shows, and even video games. Anything pop culture related I’ll most likely write about it. Thanks to Sam, I’ll be one of the main writers for Team JVS. On this site I’ll mainly post articles centrally focused on topics that are not only important to me, but also I believe deserve more recognition & possibly can push for further more interesting discussions than we’ve probably seen before. I want to thank Sam, Team JVS & my second group Earth2ComicCast for giving me a platform where I can share my honest thoughts with the world in the best way possible. To the amazing supporters out there that have been behind these two teams for years, I’ll try to put out my best work for you all. Hopefully you’ll enjoy what I bring to the site, & lastly just wanted to say I’m excited & honored to be working with two hard working groups of people that share the same amount of love for pop culture as I do. Please continue to support us by sharing all our future work anywhere you can, & stay tuned for even more epic stuff we have planned going forward. Have a great day everyone!