The Night Agent Returns But Does it Improve?

What Is The Night Agent?
The Night Agent Season 1 Premiered on March 23rd 2023. The Night Agent was Created for television by Shawn Ryan, Based on the novel by Matthew Quirk. The Night Agent was Renewed for a Season 2 less then a week after it aired on Netflix.
Synopsis: Low-level FBI agent Peter Sutherland works in the basement of the White House manning a phone that never rings – until the night it does, propelling him into a conspiracy that leads all the way to the Oval Office.

The Night Agent Season 2 Non Spoiler Thoughts
The Night Agent Returns on January 23rd, with Season 1 Having mixed reviews, we’re excited to share our season 2 thoughts with you all. Gabriel Basso returns as Peter Sutherland bringing a more experienced Peter to the screen which is shown in the opening act of the episode. There were some solid choices made in this season, we don’t Immediately pick up after the last season which allows the characters to develop off screen. To start off the Season Both Peter and Rose (Played by Luciane Buchanan) are able to do their own thing without having to worry about having each others back for a little which was short Lived, their Chemistry is Great and when they are on screen together it is enjoyable, but there are times where conflict between the two seems forced and sometimes just not exciting to watch. Especially in the work that peter does you would think that some of the concerns that are brought up by Rose wouldn’t be brought up every episode but at times it seems repetitive. throughout the season we are brought into similar circumstances as last season, like wondering who to trust and then trusting the wrong people.

We are introduced to many characters including a new main character Catherine Weaver (Played by Amanda Warren). Who adds a lot to the show, we as viewers are put in a position where we don’t know if we can trust her which keeps us at the edge of our seats when she is on screen. There are Several new additions to the cast which are all interesting on there own. We are introduced to a whole new group of characters and though that Subplot can be exciting there are times where the dialogue gets dragged out, but I will say that during that side story we have one of the most emotional moments as well as one of the most frustrating moments in the series.

Overall The show continues to be fun, it’s not something that’s going to be remembered but all and by no means is it amazing but it’s still one of the more enjoyable shows on netflix right now which has me excited since a season 3 is already confirmed. The action seems to have improved in areas which has me even more ready considering how fun it is to see Gabriel Basso (Peter Suthurland) kick some Butt. I myself am looking forward to Season 3 and I’m Excited to Hear your Thoughts Feel Free to Check out Our Review on Team Jvs The Youtube Channel! Thanks for Reading, and Tune in for Season 2 on Netflix on January 23rd.