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Why Rob Pattinson Will Make An Incredible Batman:

Why Rob Pattinson Will Make An Incredible Batman:


After years of speculation, countless rumors, & nonstop fan castings, it has finally been reported straight from Variety that none other Hollywood Star Robert Pattinson mostly notably known for his work as Edward Cullen in the widely popular film series Twilight, will don the cape & cowl as the new Bruce Wayne/Batman for this generation come June 25th 2021.


I couldn’t be more ecstatic about this news, & I think it’s phenomenal casting! Despite not having a good rep from the twilight films, Pattinson has gone on to become an outstanding actor that has over time won the respect of a lot of critics, fans, & colleagues for turning his career around. He’s shown numerous times throughout his career to have an incredible amount of range in his performances on a number indie films such as Good Times, Bel Ami, The Rover, The Lost City Of Z, & his most recently released film the sci-fi thriller High Life directed by Claire Denis, which again has been met with rave reviews across the board by audiences & critics. He’s no longer the same actor many people saw 10 years ago during the days of Twilight. He’s completely redefined himself in the eyes of the public with the roles he’s chosen, & is taken a lot more seriously as a performer than before. Of course there will always be those fans out there that will feel differently & express their opinion with the usual “Not My Batman” comments, but give it time and I’m sure those that don’t see it now will change how they feel once they see his portrayal on screen.



Most importantly, Matt Reeves who’s given us a handful of critically well received films in 2008’s Cloverfield, Let Me In, Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, & War For The Planet Of The Apes is now attached as Director for the upcoming film, & has been very vocal on wanting to give audiences the definitive Batman story showcasing his detective skills at work proving and reminding us all why he’s known to be the world’s greatest detective first & foremost before being a superhero.

Credit to Filmic Box:


We’ve gotten so many films in the past decade most notably Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, & Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice that have shown only one side of the cape crusader which is the action & spectacle parts, & although that’s entertaining and still very much needed in this new iteration, it’s not the only thing that’s important when bringing a well known beloved character such as Bruce Wayne to life. There’s so much more to him than just cool flips & having him beat up thugs on the street. Bruce Wayne is a character who’s story originates from pure tragedy. A child who watches his parents mugged & killed in an alley right before his eyes for no reason at all, & is then left all alone in a world that feels left with little to no hope. Seeing a film envision what it’s like for someone to grow through all of that can make for a powerful & lasting impact that can spark conversations amongst people for decades to come. That’s the kind of story true Batman fans who’ve loved this character since childhood have wanted for so long. We want a Batman that we can personally identify with, & emotionally fully invest ourselves into. Someone we can follow on a journey through the span of possibly a trilogy or more (if we’re lucky) and realizing why this man is so broken and how inspiring and encouraging it can be to watch such a well respected icon from the comics push through every obstacle that comes his way, no matter how impossible that situation may be. That in my opinion is the true Definitive Batman we need done on the big screen, & I think we are for sure going to get that once cameras start rolling early next year.


We’ve had so many great portrayals over the years starting from Adam West, to Michael Keaton all the way to Christian Bale and Ben Affleck that some people may say that a fatigue is on the way, but I disagree. Each actor I’ve listed has given us something different from the last, and made the role their own. Pattinson will do the same and bring his own distinct tone & feel to his portrayal once the time comes. People just need to take a step back, breathe, & understand this casting won’t ruin the character by any means. I don’t think Reeves or WB would have signed a contract with him if they didn’t fully believe he can deliver on giving the fans something truly special that will for sure leave many of us very happy. It just takes time, & patience.

Another set of good news to come out due to this report, is that we can expect more casting announcements in the coming weeks as filming is about to go underway. Nothing official, but rumors have been circulating the internet that Vanessa Hudgens maybe in the running for Selina Kyle/Catwoman.


If true, this would be another knock out of the park win for Matt Reeves hands down. Hudgens is mostly known for her work on the widely beloved popular Disney film trilogy High School Musical, Greese: Live & most recently RENT: Live, along with other films such as: Gimmie Shelter, Machete Kills, Spring Breakers, & now the newly released action thriller Polar where she co-stars along side Mads Mikkelson who plays a retired assassin helping a young woman who’s forced into hideout having to fight off a group of psychotic killers in order to get her life back. Hudgens has grown into a terrific actress in a short amount of time, & has even gone on to express her love for the character Catwoman going as far as to saying Michelle Pfeiffer’s portrayal partially helped her pursue a career into acting. She’s already got lots of love for the comics, can for sure give an amazing performance in any project she’s involved in, & has already worked with DC before in the past on NBC’s series Powerless. She’s more than capable of handling a role like this, & it would be a huge push for her career going forward if it all pans out. I for one am rooting for her all the way, & it’s one rumor I hope to the gods ends up coming true. Can’t go wrong with a beautiful, fun, full of life actress such as her. WB please don’t miss out on this opportunity. Take a chance & bring her on to this project. This is one casting you can only benefit from. She has a strong following, & will honor/cherish this role like no other.  Trust on that.

The Batman is set for a release on June 25th 2021! Also, Expect some more news to come soon with San Diego Comic-con right around the corner. It’s a very exciting time to be a Comicbook fan right now. We can only go up from here. Post all your thoughts on the recent news reported surrounding this casting, & share what you’d love to see done this time with the Batman. We’d love to hear from you, & send us a tweet or message to our Facebook pages @Earth2comiccast or @Tweet_JvS! Enjoy the rest of your day! Peace!